Actress Kangana Ranaut, who walked for designer Shantanu Goenka at the ongoing Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week (WIFW) Monday, says the people in Bollywood are not very stylish except for her contemporaries Priyanaka Chopra and Sonam Kapoor.
'I don't want to hurt anyone with my remarks, but I find that the style quotient is missing in Bollywood except for Priyanka and Sonam who know how to carry well,' Kangana told reporters here.
The Kolkata-based designer presented a line inspired by the French queen Marie Barrios.
According to him, Kangana was the perfect muse for this collection.
'I wanted Kangana to look feminine, I didn't want to go overboard and I thought she completely justified the theme,' he said.
Dressed in a white and beige gown, she looked confident while sashaying down the ramp.
'I never feel uncomfortable while walking the runway as I have done it in films like 'Fashion' and 'Raaz 2'. So it has become a part of my character,' Kangana said.
'Also, I love Shantanu's design and admire his creativity. He always makes something which suits my complexion and figure,' she added.
When asked about her future projects, she said: 'I am working on the sequel of 'Tanu Weds Manu' and 'Ishqiya'.'
The Kolkata-based designer presented a line inspired by the French queen Marie Barrios.
According to him, Kangana was the perfect muse for this collection.
'I wanted Kangana to look feminine, I didn't want to go overboard and I thought she completely justified the theme,' he said.
Dressed in a white and beige gown, she looked confident while sashaying down the ramp.
'I never feel uncomfortable while walking the runway as I have done it in films like 'Fashion' and 'Raaz 2'. So it has become a part of my character,' Kangana said.
'Also, I love Shantanu's design and admire his creativity. He always makes something which suits my complexion and figure,' she added.
When asked about her future projects, she said: 'I am working on the sequel of 'Tanu Weds Manu' and 'Ishqiya'.'