Saturday, March 8, 2014

Simple And Necessary Insurance Product

Erda guidelines life insurance into longer-term security measures. amounts of life insurance people. insurance cover will move people more security. disclosures to customers of stringent insurance policies in terms of transparency In traditional insurance plan. the new death coverage more than before. as far as tulip is concerned, insurance companies reported a fall in returns to our clients every month will be at the beginning of the minimum insurance plan policy. re-engineered will guarantee returns. new guidelines are created in consideration for customers only. complete focus is on the long-term plan.

Reliance life insurance according to the new guidelines, about two dozen new or revamped insurance policies are introduced in the market. other than this company needs to be based on the new plan providing retirement protection, investment and and these have certain people target aims insurance products. our special attention to traditional and simple insurance products. our portfolio at the moment 80 phi-sad tulip product phi-sad 20 traditional plan and the new guidelines. Endowment and money back like traditional insurance products are made more transparent and customer-friendly so that life insurance can be given more significance.

All over the country we have 80 thousand awards. in addition, our distribution is also quite huge network. across the country, our nearly eight thousand branches in addition to the traditional channel are we introduced three new channels are-face to face, this is life Plaza and careers Agency. they reach us semi urban and rural markets will help increase your sales. this new way of has been adopted from the Japanese affiliate Nippon life insurance. these three Methods based on the needs in smaller cities under insurance products are being sold by ready.

The trend of online shopping in the country. close to ten million people have access to the Internet is slowly easing into buying insurance products online people feel. but turnover is still quite limited online sales share. as online sales under the simple structure of insurance products are only available based on complex and prepared. the insurance products is still the better reach customers Medium.

Agency models clients works only on reaching policy. life insurance such as long term relevance of this channel will remain forever products. of course, it must be that online channels we maintain contact with clients or are extremely helpful in reaching all of the sections accessing society. agency model itself is still the better choice.