Geography of the Earth to heaven in a blissful science
-Classed talmiJyographi on different sites with the information found on the ground level of the miscellaneous facts. it platform for the mere details of elements not only of regional origin of their format and also details. first sakaran ancient Greek scholar, eratosthenes, the geography of the ground level as a specific science. herodotus and Strabo the Roman scholar and Vice employees after the geography to make sure the format classed talmi So many options in geography today. that youth are the best on the subject and it's hot career is emerging as sabjekt. If you are looking for the kind of career, here you have the options of your choice and interest. related to this topic in many areas with high landing fill career.
Why read jyographiStarting from school level to study we all jyographi, but for a career in the field related to be graduate people weather up-to-the-minute information you nchate. abroad the pahu related career options. but now the sector in the country at the new VIC lpa. inexhaustible natural resources in the Government of India that no instruments specifically justified the exploitation of natural Attention Government. where natural resources exploitation, exploitation of natural resources from the revenyu wants to raise the protection of. Special attention to a large number of market professionals can e. Government private sector participation in this field to increase due to the many schemes running the only possibilities in the field and no emo badhin youth to choose it as a career is to increaseThe chyographi of ktrej is increased.
Essential skills* Artistic interest
* Mathematical knowledge
* Interested in the subject
* World tour
Ejukeshnal kvaliphikeshan
From the point of view of the future of his graduating in jyographi. graduating to enter the sidhi 10 + 2 must be posted above, an MPhil and PhD. graduating. in most yunivarsitiyan and Institute entrance examination for admission, on the basis of some merit held entry.
What are the course* BA jyographi
* BSC jyographi
* Diploma in geomatics
* Ma jyographi
* M-Phil jyographi
* Ms c aplaid jyographi
* Ms c jyo imphometiks
* Ms c jyographi
* Ms c GTA (jyographi & tries Administration)
* Master in geographic imphometiks science & systems
* Master in remote sensing and geographic imphormeshan science
* PhD jyo magnetism
* P h d jyographi
* Post grejuait diploma in jyo imphormetiks
* Post graduate diploma in remote sensing and geographic imphormeshan science
Major Institute* JNU Delhi
* BHU, Varanasi
CSJM University, Kanpur and affiliate College *
* Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh
* The Patna University, Patna
* Punjab University, Chandigarh
Jyographi's hot sectorJyographi that is in the country of geography like crazy every day overseas grows. Government has operated several plans from which this field is the field of professionals demand badhi which are hot sector.
GeographerThousands of geographers working in the country 80 per cent in the academic field related geographers. geographers of nature-related Besides this fact, and the mobilization of information, people, plants, and e. g. the claimant, land form related information collected also. need so ankadon and private sector in both of demand official geographer badh party with a visit to the geographer is long does stay out of home .
GIS specialistGeographic impharmeshan system through any space weather, temperature and pollution of information can achieve some of the emergent accident or fatality. GIS in the place are able to collect all the information. came too many related are GIS software that can be more ways generic. GIS specialist palyushan control in the space of minutes to launch the project. Pollution control is the field of experts crazy increase.
Civil servicesIndian civil service examination in jyographi top scoring sabjekt. This test it is part of the General Studies paper or apshanal sabjekt. that is why many students to take up the post auet level jyographi grej. civil services if you read the top position by planning j yfrog. understanding the environment spaceFrom planning to ongoing cases, and correctly handling ability is a sign of tsa byuroker. e sabjekt proves helpful it salie.
Environment specialistHons degree in jyographi environment studies that student with study of it can become better career options ilda
рдл. environmental experts in the private sector than the public departments. of expert in environment, resource management and environment you natural area management issue such as area and select.
Arban and Planer kamyuniti
They work a population